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NJ nursing student battling cancer honored with award by Chamberlain University

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — In August, CBS News Philadelphia introduced you to Alexis Rodriguez, a 30-year-old mother courageously fighting leukemia and a severe fungal infection.
Our crews visited Rodriguez at Penn Medicine, where the mother has been undergoing treatment for several months, and had the privilege of hearing her inspiring story of resilience and hope.
This past Friday was meant to be a day of celebration for Rodriguez, who was set to graduate from Chamberlain University with a degree in nursing. But sadly, her battle with illness has prevented her from completing one final class required for her degree.
Chamberlain University honored Rodriguez by presenting white graduate cords to her classmates and friends, Carmen Ramirez and Ann Mary Cadet. The university also recognized Rodriguez with the Dedication and Persistence Award.
“As we celebrate this milestone today, let us carry forward the lessons Alexis has taught us. Let her journey inspire us to persevere through our own challenges and to approach our work with the same passion and resilience she has so beautifully exemplified,” said Cadet.
Rodriguez and her family are holding on to hope that she will recover, and one day fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse. 
